Sunday 13 April 2014


Here we go yet again?!

The climate subject arises once again and I like the line used of 'governments must act' or was it react?

A situation most scientists know little about caused by even fewer people that are rich who could not care less who will in turn get governments charge innocent members of the public to pay for years to come for what they ignored and therefore caused in the first place!


I have been of my game, so to speak, of late. This was a combination of loss of sleep and becoming engrossed in a game combined with some other ... stuff!

A young lady who follows my blog and has done fur awhile messaged me on Twitter. I was telling a friend this tonight. She asked me how did I ever manage to keep on top of all the large organisations I managed to battle subdue handedly and alone without any help and keep on top and ahead of them all. Lol.

I said I guess whatever does not kill you only makes you stronger.

I thought about her remarks the last few days and spoke of then this evening. Oddly I figured she had read enough of the bog to realise that along with no right to legal representation anymore and the fact that my condition explains my forgetful nature that I imagine would be firstly evident on here that I had to do so with this factored into the equation?!

I realised that the truth is I simply do boot like what I see and it seems to be everywhere I look. What unfolded with me is lots of little injustices by people who were controlled, naive and bit as intelligent as they luge to think adding up to create a very serious crime against humanity. That is the essence of it all really. But the realisation that I barely scraped through several events without dying that other innocent people might not have been so lucky!

There was a sharp increase in suicides that started prior to the recession and quite sine time before hand too. A remember some deaths making the news and there were various things blamed and one particular thing blamed was prescription drugs. But I have wondered whether these reasons were on some if not all occasions an excuse to hide other reasons far more serious?

This is one of those things that should have occurred to be at the time but did not and has annoyed me. Yes even with the excuse of Fibrofog and other things I still and always will get annoyed at my own mistakes. Oversights or just the wrong theories it matters not. I am a stickler for getting things right as I do not want to look like a douche bag!

Added to this and as I stated to a friend tonight I do not like losing! However I realised that I forgot to add that I especially so not like losing to a while bunch of people who lie, cheat, broke their own codes of conduct willingly, receive humongous amount of taxes in salary to do so and think they are a cut above the rest asking with thinking they have done automatic right to this and that the rules are different for them than the common people.

Lol, yeah I forgot to add that.

I will not go into details but I met a man recently who worked with disabled people but in an odd capacity. He mentioned a few things that were off the mark somewhat in all honesty. I told him about this blog and he said 'oh, you can't fight these people as you won't get anywhere' and I said 'I can and I have and I am not finished yet' but he disagreed.

Unfortunately I tried to explain what I had done but was one of those people who kept interjecting when you are in mid sentence. Something I find annoying anyway and especially when your told you won't win without knowing all the facts and then refuse to listen!

That followed a disagreement with someone the day before who claimed to know all about the health service and said I cannot use my recordings?! This sentence was thrown at me yet again while I was in mid sentence! I then interrupted to say they were wrong as I already had and they would not accept it. I had to force my way past an insistence on controlling the conversation to insist I was wrong to state that I had stated publishing these recordings over eighteen months ago and everyone I battled, save maybe the Police, know full well I have done this now and I have not heard a peep. I then explained that as they were paid by the public's taxes they were accountable if their professionalism and ability to do their jobs came into question so we're fair game!

Now apparently someone they know refuse a conversation and were threatened with legal action if they used it. I simply said they called your bluff and out the idea of being sued in their heads. But upon hearing what I said this person should have reacted by saying 'oh my good the cheeky bastards, I am going to phone then now and tell them!' They did not.

Afterwards I said to a mate of mine that each one was talking nonsense and the story I was told about the recording was bullshit. I told him for they should have reacted bit did not. After all it was a close family member! I myself would have pulled my phone out immediately and tend the member of my family that had been scared off like that with threats had someone told me there facts.

It is times like this that I meet people like that, not linked to each other, that I realise that even those without the intellect to be right airways think they are and when given the truth they are more concerned with the fact they are wrong than being made aware of the facts?!

I often tell friends it is times like that when I wonder if I will achieve what I want because I think some people just do not want to be helped. I then question myself and ask myself why I bother? Though this is normally if I am worn out, tired and in pain.

It sometimes seems as if people put a wall up around themselves when you tell then the facts. I myself become entirely confused as to why people act like this. People think of me of knowing a great deal of information about a while variety of subjects. In fact someone told someone else about my knowledge on a subject tonight and I think it was about amphibians. Asked if I knew 'my stuff' my friend said 'trust me he is never wrong' which I ignored and pretended I did not hear it as it always embarrasses me on the rare occasions when someone says something like that.

Plus it is not true, I do get things wrong from time to time. OK fair enough it is rare but is does happen and yes sometimes my fogged up memory sometimes gets it mixed up. Sometimes someone corrects me and as soon as I hear what they say I sometimes immediately realise they are correct upon hearing it and say ' Yes! Sorry, you are quite correct! I got mixed up there somehow!'

Yet when you think about it this is partly what intelligence is. Yes it is the ability to solve complex puzzles either immediately or being able to figure it out in any given time. But as well as this it is the ability to remember these formulas and problem solving techniques and information too!

So I guess that it should now be obvious when I state that one of the things that concerns me most of my condition of Fibromyalgia is not the physical pain as one might suspect but the effects and future effects on my memory and the fight and flight reactions of my brain!!

Oddly this is the one area whereby statements previously made and yet to be made among all involved in my complaints procedures of the NHS falls flat on its face!

Was I angry and stern? Yes I bloody well was! Was I violent? No! But the health service decided they could outthink someone who has a condition that affects entirely a humans fight or flight response by giving him the wrong information, a bunch of lies, refusal of prescribing the correct drugs and attending to label me with conditions I do not have.

Based on this information anyone with a genuine understanding of my conditions might state that I deserve a medal for keeping my hands off medical professionals for a whole decade?!

Outside of my family I am currently in refuse contact with three people. Out of those three two of them have been lied to by the NHS and GPs while the third I think was told they had and all refused help they had every right too by the three evil trinities of public services!

So where I was alone in my theories and beliefs several years ago I am now chairman of a fair sized club!! 


Outside of people that are full of statements with no foundation of facts who allow egos to do themselves injustices I do still believe that it will not be long now before enough people realise and the injustices are forced to end with ... certain penalties, people forced to fall on their swords.

There is one last thing to mention here that I have referred to many times previously. I stated something that the government and the public services fail to ... 'get' and now I can reveal here. This particular fact should also be taken close notice of by those types of people whose egos get in their way?!

Earlier in the post I mentioned a lady who asked me how I did everything I did along with how I coped with all of them at the same time without any help whatsoever? Well I left out a very small detail about this person, quite deliberately I must add.

That is because this small fact refers to earlier posts when I stated that all public services, Doctors, the NHS, Police, the DWP and ask the others I attacked ask failed to see desire their insistence of their importance and misconceptions of their own intellects?! Or simply that they were naive to something! Something I warned them about for many years and that is IT, or computers and more specifically the Internet! Some of you would have realised immediately what I am getting at and that is this ...

That a blog, or this blog, is not just a window that is nationwide but in fact that is one that is GLOBAL!!!
The very nice lady who was chatting to me about the way I was treated by my own country was located in India!

Double DOH!

The services and government on this country like nothing more than to go flying around the globe and first class to boot and give out a false impression at how our services are world leaders of their areas! Week they might have been but in all cases that was a very long time ago and not anymore!

Whipping people who had nothing to do with this will not turn that clock back and you will only succeed in alienating those you hope will vote for you?! I have a very important message for those people ...

Stop being so naive before you do any further irreparable damage!!

I simply want common sense to be realised and the damage to stop! It is the penultimate thing I wanted to achieve with this blog.

To show that people that they really do need to pull their heads from out of that sand and wake up to what is going wrong. Stop it and reverse and go back to the start. Show yourselves to be fair which is not going to be easy I admit. But better so it while it is bloody hard to do rather than later when it is to late and impossible to do!

EU 'must lead' climate change fight

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