Sunday 16 February 2014


Funny one this.

I was speaking about this the other day with a mate, in fact I have spoken about this with a few people.
I am always surprised to hear news like this even though I know it will be up and down for awhile. I always say who the hell can pay these prices as well as be brave enough to do it when things have been the way they have been for as long as they have been?!

Must be quite a few people completely sure that the financial crisis will not affect them?

Or maybe they are all being purchased by property developers who already own a number of properties?

Or maybe they are being bought by foreigners coming hear with plenty of cash?

I guess there are plenty of different people that could buy up properties whereby the figures might make it look like the market is doing better than it actually is?! 

To many factors and variables to consider I guess, like I stated before very often when something does not make sense the answers can occur to me before very long. Sometimes immediately and sometimes it takes awhile. In fact there in is a line that should be remembered by visitors interested in the little clues I give out now and then. Also it will be important to remember this for when part three of that Architect series I referred to. Part 1 has already been posted up while part two will go up in a couple of weeks while one big puzzle solver part three comes up a couple of weeks after.

I have actually let the cat out of the bag with two people which I wish I hadn't. But then one of the two does not listen to anyone but complains that about everyone else. The other one raised an eyebrow. The other one should have too but they was not listening and I could tell. They could not tell that I could tell but they will be told that I could tell and when they state they do not remember I will simply say 'EXACTLY' and then they will talk over me when I explain that you do not forget things like I told them. Then I will get a while series of sentences that will go on for a couple hours if you let them about how much they have to deal with.

Which is nowhere near as much as they say by a ten mile stretch. When hearing it I often think I wish I only had this things to have to think about. Everything about them is far worse than anyone else.
In fact I started to explain about how strong a drug Sodium oxybate is. Now within ten seconds I was interrupted to be told about their drug which I have been hearing about for a year and hire strong they are.
Now I do not interrupt people but I hate being interrupted as it is rude. What makes it worse and I have explained before things just... Well go! Lol! Now when someone does this because they do not want to hear this new information they have never been told before and not aware of because it will eclipse what they have been telling people, it is fecking infuriating!

Of course if the bothered to come on here and read about someone else other than themselves then they would now know all about Fibromyalgia and they would know about Sodium oxybate. The but the person I refer to would know is that being caught in possession of this drug is quite illegal.

I also get interrupted to be reminded for the umpteenth time about their condition when I am simply trying to explain that Fibromyalgia was rarely known about by GPs and I can tell they do not want to hear this. I cannot dumb it down so that it makes they're look more important! The statement about illegal to be in possession of it did not go down well either. As they tried to come up with something any their own drug I quickly interjected before being reminded of another useless fact to tell them it can be used as a date rape drug! Suddenly what they was going to remind me about for the umpteenth time, in an attempt to complete, did not seen quite on the same league as what I just uttered. I guesses the being illegal being in possession of the stuff was no biggy for them? Lol!

In fact I got told another little fact by them, which if made up is a little low if I am honest. In fact I am having trouble remembering but I am sure I was Todd two conflicting things making what they were referring to by way of a diagnosis quite impossible.

But I guess we will see before long.

I told them about the DWP has now reportedly stated TWICE that they accept that Fibromyalgia was a significantly debilitating condition. They did not like that either as their condition is not seen as that.
That was his I spent my 45th Birthday! Lol!

I did not argue but I was getting ratty at one point. I can always tell when someone is building a wall and not letting any info in. Despite insisting people sit there for hours listening to them you have difficult getting their attention for more than ten minutes. Even in that time you have to avoid the attempts to interrupt you several times and you can see a poised of look on their faces by the ten minute mark.

So I have to spend my birthday not insinuating that my crap is bad because it eclipses theirs. In fact I am fairly sure there was a fabrication which occurred when it looked like I finally proved there was something really wrong. Now that I have been at the blog as long as I have and found my debilitating conditions name a second things smelling of fabrication has now surfaced onto the radar.

Oops, I digress!


Carney: UK housing market recovering

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