Saturday 15 February 2014


I have uninstalled and reinstalled the shops causing me problems.

It seems to have unfrozen posts on here but they might have been deleted?! I have to check to make sure they were not deleted and if so I will have to do repost them.

So far all seems well but the lasso button and the anti-palm detection button, on either side of the Home/Back/Switch Task buttons are still missing?!


As this tablet came with Jellybean or Android 4.3 and has updated the times and STILL on Jellybean, Android 4.3, and not on KitKat it does make me suspicious!

Now when I started this blog I showed evidence that there were several attempts to access my PC. While this access was going on I would let it, leave it for awhile, stop and take pictures of the access and even a short movie of the access and then delete it if the network.

I can even tell you that it was an Apple Macbook PRO laptop that did it along with a smaller Apple device. In fact the smaller device, was listed as an iPod, was used for a few weeks before the Macbook PRO started to join in before replacing the iPod completely.

To those that have not read the posts I did about that at the time they are on here. Also they got past a double layer of protection and then they get flagged as being on the network.

The system I use is password protected and only allows two devices on. Any third device gets automatically thrown off the network. Then a piece of software monitors confections to my WiFi and is only set to send up a red flag to let me know. This way I can check the hardware used before I kick it off.

You would have to go very far too find someone who can do that!! However in my car it was about 30 yards as this is the range of WIFI!!

At the time the Edward Snowdon fiasco was months away from being revealed and some thought me crazy for the statements I made, those I now in real life that is. Despite the fact that not a single person I know is computer literate especially in deeper aspects of computer science it was daft to say this but I could understand it sounds insane. But you cannot accuse software, especially security software, of getting it wrong. I stated that they could very easily access more than any of them realised if they wanted to and probably did!

Now what may well of been of interest was of course my data. Much of it would be quite embarrassing should it appear in the tabloids or TV News? However to access it all in its entirety requires a direct connection. Well there was never a direct connection so despite all the security that which mastered midst was simply not accessible.

Also sections of it was backed and and split across different cloud services. Should they all get hacked it would raise an alarm bell of sorts. Some of these can be found out easily enough from this blog. Others, however, cannot.

Of course when the Edward Snowdon revelations reared their ugly heads suddenly I went from sounding crazy to bring more akin to a prophet, possibly of doom, lol!

It has been a long time since I referred to these WiFi hacks and partly so that a large number of visitors could find this post and then go off into the archives looking for the evidence of the having I provided and if course the dates?!

As for how I get and do the things I do it all stems back to a puzzle I was told about when I was a boy. Some mature have heard of the puzzle as I tell it while others not...
You are in a prison and presented with two doors and two guards. You are simply told that one door leads to freedom and the other a guillotine. You are not told which for is which but told you can ask each guard a single solitary question. So how do you find the door to freedom?

It sounds an impossible situation but is actually rather simple. Desire not knowing what door leads to what and which guard tells the truth or dishonest you use their own traits against themselves and each other to find you way to freedom...

If you ask each of them what the other guard would answer if you asked the other guard which was the door to freedom you would get the exact same answer. Or the exact same for to both questions. The door to freedom is the one your NOT told about.

Now it should be obvious that if the door to freedom is on the left that when you ask the honest guard what the other guard would say then being honest he would tell you that the other guard would tell you it's the door on the right. If you ask the liar then he will tell you a litre and also tell you that the honest guard will say it is the door on the right!!

By knowing both the weaknesses and the possibilities with the nature of people or organisations and you know what to expect then getting them to do what you need them to do is very simple.

The other thing you can rely on that week lady an extremely long time is that despite them getting together to set up members of the public that they are over confident and arrogant. I could do things very blatantly and it would not occur to them. Also you can guaranteed that even when it dies occur to them they will not liaise with each other?!

This is because when everyone involved is amoral they will then only consider their own survival. Even when you reach a point where they think it may be about time they talk I will still not be perceived as much of a threat.

It was this philosophy I used to kind of keep going on here long enough to make it difficult for the blog to be shut down. To many people would notice and that would not look good, not look good at all.
I would imagine that right now I am in our about to enter the part whereby they might start speaking to each other? Possibly, lol.

Of course in any situation you have to expect the obvious possibilities providing you are aware of them and therefore expect the unexpected too. Do not be over confident in your abilities, lol!
This was why so many things were multi faceted in my approach.  My back up plans have their own back up plans you could argue.

So you see when my new tablet starts going a bit haywire I have to ask myself why?

If I have to ask myself why then it is a good idea, moist of the time, to mention it on here, lol!

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