Friday 15 November 2013


Title from an old sng and goes on to say 'tell me how I am feeling' if I remember correctly, lol.

I had an odd one today!

I went down to my local Lloyds Chemist to pick up my prescription and they came back after 5 minutes and said "When was the last time you picked anything up?" and I said "Oh I am probably late, but would have been a months or two ago. I have a little back up in case I cannot get here..." as there is no help of course "...but been given a new one of Amitriptyline which I got here and gave you the repeat for about two to four weeks back."

They go off annd, now remember they have not asked me for ANY DETAILS, amd I hear the Pharmacist mention my name on the phone. Eventually I get up and walk around and tell her its me she is on the phone about. She covers the phone, she rang them so knows its my surgery, and says "they have NO record of you?!" and looks confused. She comes off the phone and I then have to tell her what happened. Of course I have to start the damned story with the ultrasound andthe lie about it as that I do not sound like a nutter, lol. Her jaw drops wide open and a look of horror on her face when she say "your joking?" and I say "I am afraid not, no."

I also tell her that the GMC were involved and ended up cusing this mess and that I also contacted the PHSO and got the usual fob off to go and speak to other liars before you talk to us. I thanked her for tryoing and apoogised for the situation and said that NHS England told me weeks ago that they would sort this out "quickly" and they obviously have not. I also stated that they might not want me in the surgery but I do not understand what the problem with just handing out the repeat prescriptions.

Also remember that on the recording of our last ever meeting he does not listen, asks questions sarcastically I have already given answers to then sarcastically says he needs to know the name of the support group to send me to when I already told him that he cannot refer me and it has to be done by the pain consultant! So he obviously lied then and had no intention of doing that?! Lol!

I also stated that maybe the NHS England now has my medical records and I will have to email them.

Now I am going to copy and paste the emails but the first two were from my phone, worried about bad withdrawal symptoms now, and you cannot do emails form the phone. That is one of the problems so if there is any strrange looking words or its confusion its not me, lol. AFter a few lines it will not keep where you are in the window and INSISTS on scrolling back to the top! SO after that I am gueesing mostly and the phone also changed words I type for ones containing letters I never went anywhere near! LMAO!

I was going to apologise for the GMC thing too?! Lol.

So apologies and I had to apologise to them on the third email and explain...



Dear Sirs


I am emailing to ask you what is going on?

I just come out of my chemist who did not have my repeat prescriptions! On top of that they rang the above surgery and was rod they had no record of me?!

I explained the situation to the pharmacist who was Todd this on the phone to her horror about falsifying ultrasound results and asked what could possibly be the problem of sending out repeat prescriptions?!

I an soon going to run out of Amitriptyline which if a drug that had now confirmed my latest suspicion if what if wrong with me. I am also going to run out of sertraline, lansoprazole, tramadol and the aforementioned drug all if which will be disastrous.

Yours sincerely

Martin Haswell BSc


Dear Sirs

In addition to my last email the very last thing my last GP, Dr Gubbay, said to me after NOT LISTENING was "leave it with me".

I was actually going to type out a letter apologizing for the stupidity if the GMC as well as ACTUALLY thanking him got the amitriptyline as just as the GMC are will aware I was not happy with being prescribed this and it is NOT a replacement for Gabapentin, that would be Pregabalin. The bizarre thing is I had suspected for many years I was being 'fobbed' off by the NHS so that they could save money and this would have a knock on effect with local councils and the DWP. So when the drug had a rather surprising effect I was shocked but then when I researched the condition I now think I am afflicted with it just so turns out that amitriptyline if one of only two drugs rider work with the suspect condition. Added to this us in the symptoms are a whole just of other things I never got asked about not did I her the chance to explain sure to the 5 minute ruling forced upon Doctors. 

Yes not only do I know about this but I have been campaigning about it for a get long time.

The very idea that they bureaucrats claim to have been saving money I have totally destroyed as I have been afflicted with my condition for thirteen years and dozens if do called health professionals. Also all my data was discovered by an backbench MP who asked if he could use the data in the house of commons and to the media.

I have a hell if a great deal of data and have had hundreds of data in due agony write deliberately wasted do that the government can save money via the NHS, Local Council and the DWP. 

I had decided a long time ago that I would out my smartphone to good use and expose every single little area if corruption with all offices that I could. Believe me when I tell you the the NHS were nowhere near the only ones our the biggest our the baddest and everything is postdated the day it occurs.

Yours sincerely


Dear Sirs


I apologize if my last two emails did not make sent as I sent them via my smartphone which was faulty when I first purchased it and it changes words for new ones containing letters I went nowhere near on the keyboard and also after four lines of an email refuses to let you see what you are typing anymore and just scrolls back to the top. There are many faults other than this and there is an impending court case over the issue that is just days away!

Now back to explaining it just in case it was confused.

The pharmacist phoned the GP Surgery, now they did not have to ask me this because they know the surgery and they have known me for years. In fact I even used to pick up prescriptions for a solicitor friend of mine over ten years ago now.

The pharmacist looked at me confused and said "they have no record of you?!" to which I then had to explain why this is. I also said that this was supposed to be in hand and being sorted out, told her aout the falsifying the ultrasound at Chase Farm Hospital and refusal of the GP to listen to the evidence while claiming I was mad to which her draw dropped in horror and |I shrugged my shoulder at her. I then asked why it would be a problem to receive my repeated prescription and stated that I had seen him AFTER they kicked me off but the day before I received the letter and everything between us was OK. I even explained that a few days AFTER I received the letter kicking me off I received a text message from the surgery, which is STILL on my phone, stating that in the event that I cannot get a hold of the Doctor to call the number provided. I could have read it wrong but it looked like the same message you get when you register asking you to hone some Triage Unit.

All I want is a GP that is not a slave to the bureaucrats and a genuine desire to help patients. I have had these but precious few I am afraid and it is sad that they are more interested in staying registered as an NHS Surgery than they are about their patients well-being.

Now I mentioned that I have now discovered my condition, and had to be careful on this because I thought I had found it a few months ago but was ruled out by tests. However the test I had at the Royal Free Hospital was to check for Charcot Marie Tooth, and a list of bad health professionals along with the link to Restless Legs Syndrome led me to believe that with the link and the rarity this mustr be what I had. Only in that the chap that performed the tests told me when I asked that the tests performed did NOT rule out all neurological problems. I was then given two sets of results and he said "give one of these to Dominick Mort, he is the best there is and he will find out what it is"?! Only I was discharged by letter with no further tests, therefore someone lied.

So I presume that I do not have CMT but that peculiarity makes me wonder at times.

It gets better still as Dominick Mort and I passed each other in the main building of Chase Farm Hospital. Only after he walked by I stopped and thought to myself "that is Dominick Mort" yet I had not met him before. I realized that as he passed me he stopped talking to someone and recognized me performing a double take as he saw me?! But we had never met before and there is no picture of me on my medical records.

I never spoke to Doctor John Gubbay about this and nor did I concerning other things that were said and that had been wrong. But I am extremely good at working out the tiniest of details that would put Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to shame.

Now I really am tired of playing about with health professionals that all treat me like dirt and wrongly assume that medical degrees trounce all others and therefore that I am think and speak to me as so. Most have done this but none more so than Doctor Gubbay I am afraid to say.

You also cannot blame people for being angry and revealing what they FELT like doing! No one is the NHS is a different species to that which I am and there would be no difference in the emotions if the tables were turned. I have also been lied to for 13 years now and though I now KNOW what I suffer from it is I that found out this. The crazy thing is not only does the condition I discovered cover all the pains along with the sickness, nausea, sensitvity to light, forgetfullness, dazed moments and a load of other things besides it also explains the Restless Legs Syndrome too.

Now this is the fun part, I now realize that despite me requesting to find out what is wrong with me for 13 years I have actually had this longer and Doctors have been told the symptoms. Now it gets more fun as I argued all along that all these conditions were linked at to deal with me in 5 minutes and deal with my issues one at a time was wrong. What I got told over and over again is that these cannot possibly be one condition or linked together and this was only regarding the painful areas?!

Now not only does the condition I discovered link all my other things under one condition I am given a drug I do not want that actually has a positive effect?!?! All the tens of thousands of drugs out there and suddenly I am given the correct one out of only two?!

The odd thing is that I suspected for a very, VERY long time that not only was I being lied to but that it was well known waht my condition was but did not want to admit it? Also that the GPs and Doctors were being manipulated with these rules but did not realise to what end? I did, Or maybe they all knew but just wanted to keep the registry with the NHS?!

The funny thing is that I have claimed this for many a year and have been collecting the evidence to prove my theories correct and I even have a number of nurses 'follow me' and now demand that I write a book. What they did not know is that I have actually written TWO!

So I am done with the games and I now need a GP that is not going to be rude, cut me off mid sentence, tell me I am an idiot when I give them a possible self diagnosis and call me mad when I tell then I have been recording and have proof that tests were falsified and I have been lied to.

All so that the NHS, Local Councils and the Department of Work and Pensions can save money.

Co-incidentally, just in case your one of the bureaucrats or that they get to read this, I recorded everything of everyone and it is all publicly available and that all public offices are answerable to the people that pay their wages and that is the taxpayer and so was done in the public's interest.

It was also never my intention to record Dr Gubbay but he was rude and cut me off early on so I decided that he would get recorded too. But her retiring was that I had told her what I knew and told her things trhat even SHE was not aware of. I also told her what I was intending to do. She also left with my private X-Rays for my back too. SOmething else that was odd but did not matter as I have a huge drive containing 70GB of data that grows all the time. SO I had back ups of the X-Rays and I should add that I am also well aware that these were lied about too. A one hundred and eighty degree about face was a common thing I witnessed within the NHS and one of these times was regarding these very X-Rays which were also part of my plan too.

My previous Doctor was a Doctor Huq who announced at extremely short notice that she had 'had enough of the NHS' and closed her practice immediately. I also noted there was a smear campaign against her too, yet she was OK as a Doctor and I even got along with her stand in Doctor, a Dr Palani. No I never recorded Doctor Huq and I NEVER felt I needed to.

As for as the public interest stuff I refer to this is also exists as proof of what I say because everything is time-stamped. When I need it to and in the case of future events in court, which I have no doubt there will inevitably be, I can call upon them as proof of what I did and what I got and on what exact date and time that it all occurred.

Oddly I did like Dr Gubbay initially and was going to confide all this to him. However friends and family that knew what I was up to reacted rather surprisingly when I said I was going to do this when they implored me NOT to tell him?! I was surprised as I had thought they had thought me crazy all along but it seemed they had realized I was onto something and now am believed by tens of thousands of people and growing.

Now I hope this makes the whole thing perfectly clear to you. You may well ask for the proof but I will only provide certain...formats of it. I know TWO MPs have used my data and I dare say many of the Labour Party does, after all I cover probably about 80 or 90% of public offices. In fact itr was rather amusing that all that time I was being mistreated and lied to and I kept tight lipped and all the while my endeavours were appearing in the News Media, House of Commons and god knows how many other places.

So please no more games I just want a normal GP if it is all the same to you. Remember I am also almost out of all my pills so if you have sorted me out a GP. or your possess my records presently, then I would be grateful if something can be arranged so that I can pick up a prescription from a receptionist somewhere locally. I was also thinking of going to Dr Gubbay one last time, to apologise for one of all things, for the GMC's idiocy, because I would like to up the Amitriptyline from 10mg to the next level.

Yours sincerely

Martin Haswell BSc

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