Thursday 1 August 2013


I am shocked and saddened to gear about children suffering and dying in this ... way I am lost for words to describe.

However I am NOT SURPRISED that it was not stopped by the authorities!

I stopped a situation whereby my own daughter and grandchildren were suffering a fate worse than death. But it took me the best part of twenty years to make them see the danger. Only I then realised they had realised I was correct 6 years earlier and stated to conspired and cover up so that the situation with three kids in mortal and not forgetting mental danger remained EXACTLY the same so eatery do not get found it that their arrogant, ignorant and know it silk attitude had been wrong for twenty years!

Unfortunately for Wirral Council in particular they have had a very lengthy legal case whereby they are defending themselves over these allegations and they WILL LOSE.

So far there had been a preliminary hearing, a main hearing where the judge failed to realise how serious and complicated it was and set another date. Then there were no less than FOUR CONSECUTIVE DAYS, maybe 5, in court. Then some Section 37 was ordered involving Cafcass and another date in June 2013, so 6th or 7th court appearance. Then at this appearance another mention of how complicated the case is and ANOTHER DATE set in the coming September 2013!

Quite how it has taken so many court appearances and so long, over a year now with no less four kids in a dangerous situation and my young daughter worrying the while time how things will turn out, I do not know!

Hearing of what happened to Doncaster Council was no surprise to me at all and I have been waiting as well as expecting these kinds of announcements since they ignored my precise predictions of outcomes way back in 1996! I have been counting down the days since then when it will come out that the ignorance if the councils AND THE COURTS will come out and it is upsetting that it had to take children dying to highlight the problem!

Now I have tried to highlight this for twenty and contacted everyone including the media with my predictions. But no everyone either thought they were smarter than me or I was mad (hmm sounds familiar) or it was but going to be a story until children had DIED?!?!

You see threw problem is here that my evidence and twenty year battle with Wirral Council was just one council. But all councils do things in the same way so one council is ALL COUNCILS!!

You will note that not only is Wirral Council not the only council I have battled, there are three others, it is also but the ONLY subject I have battled them on and collected evidence to prove really terrible law breaking, stealing, physical attacks, defrauding and large scale tax avoidance!!

Plus I just noticed the humungous amount of money they are getting from parking fines too and I can ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE YOU, do not know how to get this point over any better, that this figure is false and way under! My parking fine was £550. Their invoice said they got £735 and I never was sent that £180 difference. But my evidence states that of the FIVE ITEMS one was sold for £2,800?! Now if we forget about the brands new 1500 TV and 350 blu-ray player the movies of which I have no idea I did have an Omega Seamaster Watch with over £800! So not including what they received for the other THREE ITEMS they got around £3,500.

Now exactly WHICH was the greater crime? Falsifying invoices is also huge scale tax avoidance as well but HMRC did but want to know about that either. Bit like Google, Amazon and Starbucks then? Lol.

The word 'GOVERNMENT' in 'Local Government' but only went to their heads but they have acted like little Saddam Husseins more and more over the years.

The absolute lies and blatant abuse of abuse of power and breaking far greater laws that would result in imprisonment to collect money and piss poor and minute laws is a blatant abuse of power and each of the leaders and higher echolons of every council should be bought to justice.

Also actions of these kinds should prevent then from EVER holding an office with such responsibility as they are not capable of holding it nor value human life. Well once they get putt off their prison term that is.

Of course I also went to the OMBUDSMAN for this too which I failed to realise even existed and they are the Local Government Ombudsman or the LGO! After speaking to the guy I still have emails from, probably posted them up, I actually thought I had found a governing body that will do something...

...but a but like I found with the NHS and associated Ombudsman that how it sounded was very different a few months later were they started to lie rip me about my daughter!!

Merseyside Police did the same thing but if there is one thing I am EXTREMELY GOOD AT it is smelling BULLSHIT FROM 100 YARDS OUT!!

Another thing I am very good at among many other things besides if how to use parts of smartphones and other recording devices even when companies turn off things on smartphones they do not want you too use and then start using your smartphones to collect data on you that slows down you're device and probably incurs data charges to boot and you have paid them in excess of £500 for that privilege.

I wonder if it has occurred to Very Catalogue, who sold me a second hand, refurbished phone that had a dozen faults and originally sold in America, that I as wool as many others could have a very good legal case against the firms who forced this upon them?!

Do along with the words refurbished, used, faulty I can add...deliberately crippled, features turned off, use of phones features and hardware without knowledge our permission and use of data connection without knowledge or permission?!

Food for thought don't you think?

Food for thought.

Mum and partner guilty of boy murder

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