Sunday 28 July 2013


God this Blogger Android app really is rubbish and a group of school kids could do a better job.

Now back to the post and would you look at that?!

Now we have the BBC reporting on themselves and positively squirming as they explain their coverage of the birth of Prince George the latest royal baby, lol.

They did state that they were being lambasted over it but odd that this is something I posted about recently that now appears in the news. That is the closest it has come by some margin of me posting something and THEN they report it. Compare it to the mental illness sufferers and it looks positively seconds apart, lol.

Oddly despite their excuses Top Gear's James May actually stated st the end of one show that the viewers had just watched an hour of TV without mention of the words 'royal' and 'baby' and everyone cheered!

Seemed like 90% at least of the audience so I do but know who or where the sad people are that loved all the coverage?!


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